Monday, 6 August 2012

Blog names... Atomic Coconut?

I started this blog just so I could keep a record of our restoration projects and keep our pictures safe. A couple of years ago I accidentally spilled coffee all over our laptop and we lost all of our work and photos. The horror! It was a dark time so I wanted to make sure that could never happen again.

I never named the blog simply because nobody else was looking at it but since then I've been getting some interest from atomic heads like me so I decided I'd better get a name sorted! It had to be something tiki and atomic. I jokingly said to Martin - Atomic Coconut! Makes no sense and is really silly but I like it!

So there you have it! Welcome to my blog, Atomic Coconut where you can read me rambling about mid century design, furniture and things I've been up to! :)

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